REVE Chat Logo Intro Animation
As a product-based company, REVE Chat has been publishing numerous product-related videos on its YouTube channel since its inception in 2014. When I joined REVE Chat, I had a discussion with my supervisor about enhancing our branding by creating a personalized logo intro.
My supervisor appreciated my initiative and suggested that we create a customized intro. I then began brainstorming ideas on how to create the intro and discussed various concepts with my team. After some modifications and refinements, we finalized the concept for the intro.
Finalized Concept
As the REVE Chat logo consists of two parts—the typography and the chat icon, which is represented by two chat icons—the concept for the logo intro is to highlight the chat icon. In the intro, the chat icon will be prominently displayed, and a bot will emerge from within the chat shape. The bot will then wave before exiting the frame, allowing the chat shape to gradually shrink, revealing the typography of the logo.
Finalized Concept
As the REVE Chat logo consists of two parts – the typography and the chat icon, which is represented by two chat icons, the concept for the logo intro is to highlight the chat icon. In the intro, the chat icon will be prominently displayed, and a bot will emerge from within the chat shape. The bot will then wave before exiting the frame, allowing the chat shape to gradually shrink, revealing the typography of the logo.
Thought process of the concept
As REVE Chat is a customer communication solution that offers chatbot, live chat, video chat, co-browsing, and ticketing system solutions, with their key product being the chatbot, my concept for the logo intro is to incorporate the chat icon with a welcoming bot animation. In this concept, a bot will emerge from the chat icon, waving its hand to signify a welcoming gesture. This animation aims to attract the user’s attention and invite them to engage in conversation.
Preparing The Files
Fortunately, I had previously created a chatbot waving animation for the Chatbot Creation section of the product. Leveraging this, I modified the animation to suit the logo intro concept and prepared the necessary logo files.

Since I visualized the intro focusing on the chatbot, I didn’t need too much detail from the logo. Therefore, I simply divided the logo into two parts and prepared the necessary files accordingly.
I imported the bot waving animation from the previous file and the logo illustrator files. Then, I combined these two elements, making necessary modifications and adjustments to create the desired animation. After completing the animation, I finalized the design.
Final Outcome
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